Movie Reviews: "Broken-hearted Brother"
Shen Nana has a younger brother who is studying at university in the city. He comes home almost every month to visit home. But it’s been a month and a week and her brother still hasn’t returned. The parents were worried, so they asked Shen Nana to go to the city to see what happened to her brother. Arriving at her brother’s room, Shen Nana noticed a musty, musty smell due to not cleaning for a long time. Turns out her younger brother was dumped by his crush before he even held hands. The first shock of his life caused him to spend the whole day in his room and not wash at all. Shen Nana immediately forced her younger brother to take a bath, and she would wash him herself. To comfort her younger brother who couldn’t even hold his hand, Shen Nana decided to let him have sex with her to know the pleasure of sex.
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